Dieing Five
Dive into Dieing Five, an actual play podcast telling a grounded fantasy story full of dramatic twists, gut busting jokes, and moments that might just break your heart! New episodes every Wednesday, as well as the occasional bonus one shot, behind the scenes discussion, and full season recaps. As always, thanks for listening.
111 episodes
S3E32: Those Who Walk In Death
The party goes to speak with Verus, while Magnis stays behind to help the Androids. Are they walking into a trap? Why is Grim trying to kill the Androids? Will Verus and Renastiere come to blows again? Sudden deaths, cold waters, and Godzilla P...
Season 3
Episode 32

S3E31: Heart & Sol
The party and Magnis learn even more from Serra, as well as getting the Codex and Apparatus fixed. What are the Codex and Apparatus capable of now that they're repaired? Will the information Serra shares send the party into a spiral of existent...
Season 3
Episode 31

S3E30: Deus Ex Machina
The party and Magnis talk with Serra about the world's creation. What secrets does she know? Can she be trusted? Will the party keep up the lie that Diego is an android, or come clean? Crew quandaries, telepathic bathroom breaks, and a village ...
Season 3
Episode 30

S3E29: Grim Tides
The party and Magnis head into the islands watery depths towards a strange light. What dangers lurk in the murky waters? Are there any androffan left on the island? Why are there psychopomps here? Magical domes, erased truths, and a lot of butt...
Season 3
Episode 29

S3E28: Knowing The Unknown
The Penumbra sets out towards the third and final island. On the way, Biyula gives a sermon on Sansemel. A divine Phosphorus and Diego are all too familiar with. Will they learn anything new from Biyula's sermon? Is Aimon having a crisis of fai...
Season 3
Episode 28

S3E27: Shock To The System
The party, with the help of the newly found Codex, takes a look around the bunker in an attempt to uncover its many secrets. How exactly do the tubes containing the Kobolds and Xulgath work? What capabilities does the Codex have? What are they ...
Season 3
Episode 27

S3E26: Playing God
The party finally comes face to face with the Sting. Though things get tense as the party discovers the wickedness at the core of the cult. Is the Sting an individual, or a group? Why have they been amassing so much blightburn crystal? How is t...
Season 3
Episode 26

S3E25: Chain Breakers
The party, Magnis, Hulok, and Moon come to blows with the Xulgath and their leader, the Thoughtmaw. Can Hulok convince her people to rebel? Will Diego run ahead and be forced to fight alone? What lies behind the entrance to the cradle? Acidic d...
Season 3
Episode 25

S3E24: Mind Over Matter
The party plus Magnis sneak into the mines to free Hulok's people and get to the bottom of what's going on with the cult. Will their infiltration be cut short? Will they be forced to take Moon with them? Will Phosphorus finally get a chance to ...
Season 3
Episode 24

S3E23: Cult Of Personality
Once Aimon finishes his meditative prayer, the Penumbra heads out to the second sky island that supposedly holds the Codex. What dangers await them on the island? What even is the Codex? Did Aimon get a response from the Old One? Elven visions,...
Season 3
Episode 23

S3E22: Divine Intervention
The party returns to outpost one to regroup. And after talking things over, they have a plan. Pray! Will any of their prayers be answered? Will they tell the crew anything about what they’ve learned? What does it take to get a God's attention? ...
Season 3
Episode 22

S3E21: Chaos Control
Our party and Magnis find themselves in a strange situation after sleeping in Mic's hut. Though whether they're in danger remains to be seen. Where has Mic taken them? How long have they been asleep? Can Mic be trusted? Ritualistic recoveries, ...
Season 3
Episode 21

S3E20: The Gift That Keeps On Giving
As the party prepares to set out in search of the two remaining sky islands, another ship finally comes into port. What sorts of folks are on the new ship? Will Diego get along with their captain? Does Renastiere have the courage to tell Thres ...
Season 3
Episode 20

S3E19: Taking Stock
The party and crew take a breather after going toe to toe with an ancient dragon. Now all that's left to do is strip the corpse of its adamantine. Will they have room for all the adamantine? What can the hammer do now that it's powered up? Wher...
Season 3
Episode 19

S3E18: For My Final Trick
The sudden emergence of a dangerous creature has the party's backs against the wall. But through Diego's quick thinking, they just might make it out alive. What is this dangerous creature? What tricks does Diego have up his sleeve? Will t...
Season 3
Episode 18

S3E17: Echoes Of The Dead
The party and Magnis head into the bunker, looking for answers to what the Androids were doing on the island. What mysteries await them within the bunker? Will they be able to piece things together? Who's catching blightburn sickness this time?...
Season 3
Episode 17

S3E16: Knowing Is Half The Battle
With the ritual now complete, the party and Magnis head to the bunker. On the way there, the group discusses what they know about the Magin and the Androids. Why is Magnis really looking into the Androids? Does he know more about the Magin than...
Season 3
Episode 16

S3E15: Through Fire And Flames
After speaking with the Ravdah, everyone agrees to give the ritual a shot. Though the Ravdah warns that fire elementals will come flocking once it begins. Will the party be able to hold them off? What sorts of elementals will be drawn out of th...
Season 3
Episode 15

S3E14: Friends Of All Sizes
The party learns from Magnis that there may be Magin agents on the island. Though they'll have much bigger problems if Renastiere can't talk down an aggressive dinosaur. What's got the dino acting out? Will the Magin make an appearance? Can Mag...
Season 3
Episode 14

S3E13: Give Me A Home, Where The Dinosaurs Roam
The Penumbra arrives at the first island! Though all sorts of fire fueled dangers await them. How will they combat the fire? Is the island home to any Androids? Can Renastiere talk to Dinosaurs? Ship wrecks, fire foxes, and a very paranoid man ...
Season 3
Episode 13

S3E12: Show Boating
The first ever Penumbra talent show begins, with every member of the crew signed up to display their skills. What talents will everyone show off? Will Diego regret making Renastiere, Phosphorus, and Aimon the judges? What island will they set o...
Season 3
Episode 12

S3E11: With A Little Help From My Friends
The party returns to the Penumbra to discuss their findings with the crew and plan their next move. Which island will they head to first? How has Archy been doing during his time off? Does the party finally have a way to pay the crew? Alcoholic...
Season 3
Episode 11

S3E10: Crypt Of Corrosion
Our party finally opens the "door" Zenod found. Though what they find beyond it only leaves them with more questions. Why is Aimon's and the lantern's magic responding to the "door"? Where is the party and their crew headed next? What is really...
Season 3
Episode 10